Located next to Brookvale lake, George Road Baptist Church (GRBC) now called Connected Life Church is a group of Christians, seeking to follow Christ together.
Our Mission is to encourage those who know God to explore him more and those who don’t know him to discover him.
The church has been meeting locally at its current location on George Road since 1929.
As a church we promise to:
- make you welcome
- be family friendly
- be practical and relevant
- help you explore answers to your deepest questions
- offer you time to stop and think in a busy life
- help you make sense of the Bible and who Jesus is
- help you discover for yourself God’s love, acceptance and forgiveness
- offer you the chance to make a new start
We practice believers’ baptism for those who have understood and accepted what the Bible teaches about salvation. We celebrate infant dedication with those parents who have an active Christian faith and infant blessing with those parents who are not regular attenders.
Whilst there is no hierarchy within the Baptist denomination, we do relate to other Baptist churches regionally and nationally.